Building Mental Fitness through running, conversation, and community
Due to border closures I won't be able to start in Brisbane as previously planned, but I'll be starting on the NSW side of the border at Tweed Heads. From here I'll be running nearly 1000km down the coast to finish at the Sydney Opera House 20 days later.
There are 3 goals to this challenge:
Firstly, it's a selfish good deed. Research suggests that movement and mental health are inherently interconnected, and RUNNING is my drug of choice. During my last challenge of running 21 half marathons in 21 days, I received a lot of messages from people asking if they could get involved. So this time we have a virtual challenge where teams can collectively run, walk, or crawl the 1000km journey from Tweed Heads to Sydney with me.
Secondly, it's about sharing my story to encourage others to start a CONVERSATION and to take action to be mentally healthy.
And last but not least, this crazy period has really highlighted the importance of COMMUNITY. With that in mind the target is to raise funds for Gotcha4Life to able to support the delivery of workshops in schools and clubs to build the mental fitness of communities throughout Australia.
Thanks so much for your support.
Big Love
a marathon (and a bit) every day for 20 days